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The Parable of the Yeast

The Parable of the Yeast

Matthew 13:33

He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.”

I was the Liturgist again this morning at church.  I don’t know why, but being the Liturgist at church seems to inspire me.

Part of my reading this morning was The Parable of the Yeast.

According to my New International Version Study Bible, the yeast in this parable:

…is a symbol of growth.  As yeast permeates a batch of dough, so the kingdom of heaven spreads through a person’s life.  Or it may signify the growth of the kingdom by the inner working of the Holy Spirit.

A symbol of growth.

I like the thought of that.

After reading my scripture this morning, I was tasked with saying a prayer.

So I borrowed from a prayer I had read earlier in the week that meant something to me.  It was part of a longer prayer written by Leanne at #LifeFilledWithLaughter in her piece titled Unhinged.

It went like this:

God, please help me to remember my life; the life You’ve given me. To remember every part and role. Help me to not get wrapped up in small portions and to trust that everything is a part of Your plan for me. Please help me to leave things in Your hands and to enjoy the little things in life. God please help me to show appreciation, to shine Your light, and to be the person other people need. Thank You for planning my life and walking me through it. Thank You for Your unconditional love, when I very rarely deserve it. Thank You for the people in my life- an abundance of people who I can turn to and rely on.  (Leanne’s)

We ask these things in Your name



Thanks Leanne, I needed to hear that.

I have spent some time the last couple of weeks re-evaluating my priorities.  Enjoying, quite literally, some of the littler things in my life.

Realizing I have been blessed.

And it’s all part of the plan.


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