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My Three Little Chickens

My Three Little Chickens

I guess I should be a little embarrassed.

Approximately a year and a half ago I was celebrating National Meatball Day.  I didn’t miss that one.

But this week I apparently  missed National Daughter’s Day.

National Daughter’s Day, how could I have not seen that one?

I blew a perfectly good Dad opportunity.

Because you know, I have three of them.

Daughters that is.

Maybe I should have known, but since I haven’t been paying too much attention to social media lately when I did, I saw all these nice photos with my friends praising their beautiful daughters.

So I felt guilty.

I had no photos…I had no praises.

I do love my daughters…even more than I love meatballs.

Therefore I thought it only fitting to give them some blog space too.

So I had to Google this Daughter’s Day thing.

And apparently National Daughter’s Day is:


Celebrated September 25, but some celebrate it on the Fourth Sunday in September. In some countries it is celebrated on October 1, and World Daughters Day is September 28.


Okay so after reading that I think I am good.  I don’t really think I messed up at all because it sounds like you can pick any day near the end of September and call it Daughter’s Day.   So in my world, today is Daughter’s Day,  I am going to celebrate it today.


 What is the reason this day was created?… In developed countries Daughters Day is a day to celebrate the joy and wonder of having a baby girl and raising a daughter.


Though sometimes I wonder lately if I live in a developed country, I have definitely experienced this joy and wonder thing with my daughters.

Like the time I wondered what one of my daughters was thinking trying to go out dressed like she was?

And all the nights I wondered why they weren’t home when they were supposed to be or why they weren’t in the place they were supposed to be?

And sure there were joys too.

Obviously so many joys it’s hard for me to list them here because that would take a book.  And I am sure all my joys are also being celebrated this week by Bank of America and Citibank who recognize the importance of my daughters in our lives and in theirs.

I particularly liked the:

How to celebrate: Dads should consider taking daughters out on a date, whether to a park or for a meal. Moms should share words of encouragement and wisdom. Every parent should make their daughter feel like a princess or the little angel they are! Of course, moms and dads can spent joint family time together with the goal of celebrating what makes daughters so unique and special in a family.

Yes of course, the little angels they are!

Moms sharing words of wisdom and daughters listening? Hello…Is there anybody out there? This is the real world…I don’t think that part of the country has developed yet.

I also liked the idea of dad’s taking their daughters to a park.  Maybe I could relive the experience of trying to teach Alexa how to ride a bicycle on the W & OD trail that ended with me literally throwing the bike into the woods in frustration after multiple attempts of having her peddle while I was pushing her and then as soon as I would let her go she would stop peddling and fall over just like the routine on the show “Laugh In” over and over again.


I often have fun writing about my kids and I have said before they are all good sports.

The truth is my daughters have taken their share of lumps in life but they continue to rise up.

They have had some life experiences probably shared by many daughters.

And then they have had some I hope no child ever has to go through.

They have lived through their own marital and relationship traumas and in some cases abuse.

And they have lived through the death of a brother.

Yet they are resilient.

They are women now, some with their own kids (though no daughters thank God).

And they are happy.

And they are princesses.

And I suppose they are angels too, though maybe not so little anymore.

And unlike the rest of the daughters out there, they have to put up with me.

And they do a pretty good job at that too.

So happy National Daughter’s Day to Alexa, Hayley, and Savannah…my three little chickens.


I love you more than meatballs.