


Musings…a period of reflection or thought…sometimes deep, sometimes serious, always thoughtful.

My name is Curtis Christiansen.  Though I have been writing for about thirty years, mostly it was for my own pleasure, and most of that is now buried away in notebooks. In more recent years,  I have realized how much more fun it is to write and have someone else read your words, even if it may be just a few.

My cast of characters typically includes members of my family; my wife Kim; my kids Alexa, Hayley, Donny, and Savannah; and grandchildren Cameron, Christian, and Ethan.

In 2002, Donny was taken from us in an accident involving a four-wheeler. Donny is often part of my writing. All of my family have been good sports allowing me to share a little bit of my view of our world together.

I will never be famous and will never be pitching my musings on Good Morning America, but I will be happy writing as the spirit moves me for whoever may enjoy it.  And maybe, just maybe I will end up on your PC, laptop,  smartphone, or iPad one day.

So, if you happen to stumble this way and find something you like, I will have achieved my success!

Thanks for letting me share.