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Month: August 2024

An American Proverb

An American Proverb

Proverbs 6:16-19

There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devised wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.


I listened to a good sermon last Sunday.

It was about divisiveness.

Some will find the mere mention of scripture divisive, so I suppose I run the risk of some readers canceling this essay out at this point.

I am a conservative, which is no secret.  In fact, back in January of 2021, in a piece I wrote titled Tohubohu, I “came out” and acknowledged that on this site.


Last week Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his quest to seek election for the President of the United States as an independent candidate.

If you are of my generation, you are familiar with the Kennedy’s and their involvement in Democratic politics in this country.  RFK Jr.’s uncle, President John F. Kennedy and his father, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Sr. were both assassinated in the 1960’s.  In fact, I can remember exactly the events in my life on that day November 22, 1963, even though I was just in the second grade.

I think all in this country should listen to RFK Jr’s announcement he made this past week. I think it should be studied in high school and college history and civics classes. He describes the Democratic party of his father and uncles as champions of the Constitution, the party of civil rights, the party against censorship, authoritarianism, and colonialism.

It was the party of labor and the working class.

It was, just as the name would imply, the party of Democracy.

He goes on to explain why he made the decision to leave the Democratic party; that it had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big Ag, and big money.  One that weaponized government agencies, abandoned democracy, sued the opposition, and disenfranchised American voters, resorting to censorship through media control.

It has been interesting to watch this.

I saw Josh Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania, a graduate of Georgetown Law, former Pennsylvania Attorney General, someone schooled in Constitutional law, stand up and propose the concept in a speech in Philadelphia, that Donald J. Trump could become the King of the United States.  Now here is a very smart man and a great speaker, suggesting that Trump could effectively declare himself King of the United States of America, eliminating our system of government as outlined in our Constitution.

Governor Shapiro doesn’t really believe that.  He knows that is impossible.  But he also knows by saying it he can create a short sound bite, a meme perhaps, that will go viral and for those who get their “news” and information in this abbreviated way, create fear and control.

Jerry Nadler, in his opening statements during the investigation of the assassination attempt on former President Trump, after spending some time denouncing political violence, made sure that he mentioned the fact that Trump had said in the past, there will be a “bloodbath” if he loses the election, knowing full well that Trump made those comments in reference to the auto industry.  Yet by editing the full comment, Nadler created a social media opportunity to instill fear and control in those who would get their news from such venues.

President Biden did his part too by feeling the need to repeat those same words in an interview he did on mainstream media shortly after.

Personally, I think anyone who has intentionally uttered those words out of context, and posted them on their social media accounts, in order to create fear and incite political violence, also have the blood of Corey Comperatore, and the others wounded on that day, on their hands.

In the same vein as the false Project 2025 narrative, the dictator comments, and “never have to vote again” theory that somehow Trump would end elections, and declare a national ban on abortions, and end social security and Medicare; all lies.

These are smart people repeating these media sound bites and creating social media memes, and not that they themselves think such things are even remotely possible, but they know however, that there are many of you out there that will take the bait.

And in doing so, they create fear and control.

I heard an interview back during the time of the Palestinian protests on U.S. campuses with a woman from New York, a Jewish woman,  an admitted lifelong Democrat, who had come to the conclusion, and I am paraphrasing because though I tried to go back and find that interview afterwards, I couldn’t; that regardless of your political affiliation, if you consider yourself an American, you couldn’t make the decision to vote anything but Republican in this election.

We are possibly entering into a future where to be an American means nothing more than maybe defining where you live.  Those that are my age, whose fathers,  mother’s maybe, uncles, grandfather’s, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, friends, or themselves fought in wars to protect the world’s freedoms, to fight against the Communist oppression that is now seeping into our own politics, and to fight against the terrorism that attacked us on our own soil, there now exists a generation who has no connection to any of that.  Gone are the days of those in the Greatest Generation or the Silent Generation who tried to enlist to fight for their country maybe even at the age of fourteen like my dad attempted.  Forgotten is the patriotism displayed after nearly 3000 Americans died on 9/11 and so many young people rose to the defense of freedom and enlisted to fight against those that would seek to annihilate Americans.


This election year you are not voting for the Democratic party of the past that RFK Jr. refers to the party of his father and uncles.  The one of civil rights, the party of labor and the worker, and the middle class.  You are voting to support a Democratic party willing to make up lies and attempt to impeach; one willing to arrest and jail those that they deem to be a threat, even some that ran on platforms that included nothing else but the mission to take down a single individual; one that denies some the democratic process of participation in free elections; one that duped a country into electing a candidate intentionally kept practically hidden for four years, and with the media’s help, is now attempting to use the same strategy to win this election.

Megan McArdle, an opinion writer for the Washington Post, admitted in an opinion piece that the “viewers of Fox News understood the president’s condition better than our audiences, which ought to be a huge wake-up call for us.”


Remember those things that the Lord hates or detests:

Those that act arrogantly superior and disdainful; those that have a lying tongue; hands that shed innocent blood; those who devise wicked schemes; those who are quick to rush into evil; false witnesses who pour out lies; and those that stir up dissention among brothers.


Our current democratic party and mainstream media are perpetuating the lies, fanning the hate and divisiveness in this country, and it is time for, as Ms. McArdle suggested, for us as a country to wake up.

This election, we may be voting for the option of Abraham Lincoln’s party of the people, or the future American wing of the party of XI Jinping.

It is time to wake up and save the future of our children, our grandchildren, and their children.

It’s time to end the government sponsored divisiveness, the weaponization of our Justice Department to sue and jail those that would have a different political opinion than the party in control.  It’s time to stop the lies that stir up dissention among us, among Americans who need to know the truth.  Many who can’t discern the difference between truth and falsehoods.

It’s time for those of us in America, for all Americans, to wake up.