Groomin’…On a Friday Afternoon…Doin’ Anything We Like to Do
Would You Like A Lime With That Week Seven
It’s Friday again, another week in “quarantine” comes to an end.
This week the focus in my house turned to appearances and what we might look like when this is all over and what we have to do to avoid that.
Last week I heard a story about a judge who made a plea in a letter for attorneys showing up for court hearings on Zoom, to put on some clothes and get out of bed.
Of course, this in was in Fort Lauderdale in Broward County, Florida.
Wait, wait, wait, my daughter is an attorney in Broward County, Florida.
Alexa, please tell me you were clothed and not still in bed for one of these Zoom hearings?
Grooming…or, not.
Things have certainly gotten a little more casual with our current situation.
Have we found the perfect hideout for our vanity in lockdowns, sheltering in place, physical or social distancing, and working from home?
Are we exhibiting paradoxical behaviors?
The dry cleaning pile sits ignored in a spare bedroom.
Casual business attire is now jammies and baggy sweatshirts, or less maybe, according to the judge in Florida.
And then there is hair.
Proverbs 16:31 says Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.
Though my wife has lived a very righteous life, she chooses to not flaunt that by making her hair blonde. And she is very beautiful. However, lately she has been worried about her roots.
Do you ride it out? Or do you go to Walmart or Target and do it yourself?
As a result of this root issue, this weekend I get to add beautician and coloring specialist to my “additional skills” on my resume as I will be the in charge of painting the roots.
Eyebrows are an issue too.
Kim wants me to wax hers. I am thinking about drawing the line on that one. I keep having this image of Kim with one eyebrow or maybe two little ones.
Or maybe worse, third degree burns on her face.
Making her hair fall out I can live with, but disfiguring her face? Nope I ain’t doing it.
I am glad I don’t have to worry about all that.
Surely it’s a little bit of an exaggeration to think that I will look like the “me” in the photo above.
But a couple of weeks ago I ran into my buddy Jim who was then sporting a full beard for the first time, taking advantage of the opportunity that working from home has allowed.
Though as an adult I have always had some level of hair on my face, never have I attempted a full beard. I wasn’t sure I could. I must say I was a little disappointed when it took my wife a full nine days to even notice.
But still she was encouraging.
Now that I think about it, she was very encouraging.
My wife once told me a long time ago that she used to only date guys with beards.
Hey, I’m thinking maybe this could work out for me!
Growing up my hair was blonde and though I sure don’t know how much of a righteous life I have lived, right now I couldn’t tell you what color my hair is. If I had to describe it, I would say gray with white highlights.
My hair is also, right now, longer than it has been since the 70’s.
“It’s getting’ kind of long,” almost like I am “letting my freak flag fly” again as David Crosby put it way back then in “Almost Cut My Hair.”
Thankfully my “freak” days are way behind me.
But I don’t suppose all this is hurting anyone and I don’t have to worry about my dad yelling at me to “get a haircut!”
I do hope the day comes sooner than later, albeit when it is safe to do so, that those folks who rely on our hair, our eyebrows, our finger nails and toe nails, and our dry cleaning to make a living, are able to get back to work.
Earlier this week on a Zoom call for work we were asked what we were thankful for in this time of crisis.
The truth is I am realizing just how hectic life was for Kim and I before this pandemic forced us to slow down. I am spending quality time with my wing man once again. I’m even painting her roots.
I guess maybe that’s my paradox, finding peace and love in the midst of a crisis.
I will end with some more words from Crosby in the final verse of “Almost Cut My Hair;” “When I finally get myself together…And I find a place inside to laugh…I feel like I owe it to someone.”
Hopefully we will all be able to look back at this someday and find something to be thankful for and hopefully something to laugh about. I think we are all owed that.
Post Script:
I did find one other Bible verse relating to hair that seemed a bit ironic and fitting:
Therefore say to them, “This is the nation that has not obeyed the Lord its God or responded to correction. Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips. Cut off your hair and throw it away; take up a lament on the barren heights, for the Lord has rejected and abandoned this generation that is under his wrath.” (Jeremiah 7:28-29)
I realize not everyone out there is experiencing what I am experiencing therefore:
Don’t forget to continue to keep those healthcare workers and their families in your prayers. Remember “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:8)
As well as all those sick or compromised from the virus and all other health issues.
Also those non healthcare caregivers working to take care of a loved one while isolated at home.
And those families who have lost loved ones.
And those who have lost jobs and businesses.
And keep reaching out to those who may need some attention.